
York in North Yorkshire (United Kingdom) Postal Code HU94 RX

Publish date: 13/06/2023 5:01 AM

Price: Check with seller


Our painters & decorators are responsible for preparing a surface and applying a range of finishes to it in response to the particular specifications of a job, paying close attention to detail to create a quality end product. The specific role of our painters & decorators is to prepare and decorate a particular surface in accordance with the wishes of the client. This will involve working on a wide variety of surfaces, including metal, wood, plaster and incorporating numerous materials, such as paint, varnish, and wallpaper. The jobs involved depend upon the area that the painter & decorator works in. This can range from residential to commercial properties.
We like to use high-quality products appropriately in order to get the best results. We ensure that customers are satisfied with the end result and remedy any discrepancies. We are responsible for job site safety and the quality of the work completed by all staff. Our job begins with consulting with the clients about the type of surface and optimal options, advising clients on all aspects of jobs.
What we do:
Some Woodworks
Small demolition jobs
Handyman services

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